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Next Step in Skin Rejuvenation

Platelet Rich Plasma

. 5 min Read

2021 is the year of bettering oneself, and what better way to make sure you are making the best of your situation than to take care of your skin. You might be itching to get your skin rejuvenated after the stresses of last year, and PRP might be the option for you.

What is PRP?

PRP, or Platelet-Rich-Plasma remains a popular procedure known for skin rejuvenation, with a short recovery time, quick results, and long-term benefits. This procedure has been around for a long time and is a known method of stimulating healing within the body, especially for localized, or specific areas that are meant to undergo treatment. As it is mentioned in the name, blood plasma that is rich in platelets is needed because it gets rid of old damaged cells, while also allowing the growth of new and healthy cells. In essence, it accelerates your body’s natural healing responses with a little bit of help.


Blood is made up of four main components: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. The purpose of PRP is to remove red and white blood cells and make a concentrated sample of plasma and platelets, which is where the magic healing powers come from. PRP facials simply consist of taking this sample and spreading it onto one’s face to encourage the growth of new cells. This leads to regeneration that occurs within tissues, and this growth continues for 1-2 months even after the procedure is completed.

PRP with Dermal Rollers and Microneedling?

PRP works in effect with dermal rollers and micro-needling. Dermal rollers are used for all facial areas, including foreheads, cheeks, and the neck area, as well as cellulite on thighs. These rollers mechanically work on the skin in order to breakdown fibrils, which are what cause the downward depression of skin on the face. Micro-needling works similarly, as it breaks down the fibrils within skin to decrease the appearance of depressions within the surface.


By combining PRP with these other techniques, it is possible to create an effective treatment plan to your liking.

What can I use PRP for?

Most commonly, PRP can be used for;

By combining PRP with these other techniques, it is possible to create an effective treatment plan to your liking.

Even with this in mind, PRP can be used for more than just facial features, as it also has a reputation for functioning as an alopecia treatment. The procedure, when done with micro-needling, has been seen to improve hair growth when PRP and natural regenerative biological substances are used together. Additionally, for those who have hands with skin that has become fragile over time, PRP has been found to greatly improve the condition of the skin, resulting in a much more youthful look. For hand treatments, improvements can be seen within a period of 4-6 weeks, although the thickening and rejuvenation of the skin will continue even 3-4 months after the procedure is completed. This is a great option for those who want something low maintenance and with a quick recovery.


The entire procedure is quick, painless, fast-acting and most importantly long-lasting. If you’ve been looking for a change to bring the life back to your skin, PRP might be the right treatment for you. Contact your local dermatology provider and see if this is something you should consider as your next step in skin care.

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