Treat Hyperpigmentation & Resurface Skin Texture

If you struggle with uneven skin tone due to sun damage, melasma, or acne scarring, this treatment is for you.

See Our Moxi Before & After Results

How the Moxi Laser Works?

The energy directed at the dermis stimulates collagen production, and the superficial damage at the top layer signals new skin cells to come running to the rescue. This jumpstarts new skin cell turnover, and produces dramatic results. The micro injuries created on the top layer is needed to resurface and rid the skin of damaged hyperpigmented cells. The old skin cells at the top layer containing hyperpigmentation will slough away, and reveal fresh new skin underneath. When you repeat this process 2-3 times as recommended, each round will continue to slough away damaged cells until desired results are met.

What is an estimated cost of treatment?

 Regular price is $749 for full face.

New patients can receive $150 discount.

That’s $599 for your first Moxi treatment!

How many treatments are needed?

For hyperpigmentation concerns, 1-2 treatments of Moxi laser are recommended and booked 8 weeks apart. For large pores and texture refining, 1-2 treatments are recommended. Once a year routine treatment recommended for general resurfacing maintenance of the skin.